Range Compared Between Talaria MX5, MX4 and Surron LBX

This is to address some of the range concerns some people have been having on the Talaria MX5.
-The mx5 has a 72v 40ah 2880 watt hour battery
-the mx4 has a 60v 45ah battery with 2700 watt hours
-surron lbx has a 60v 40ah 2400 watt hour battery
-the eride pro ss has a 72v40 2880 watt hour battery (same as the mx5)
-Watt hours is the only fair way to estimate what range to expect on these bikes (and why luna only advertises watt hours and rarely estimates range in miles) and the mx5 and eride pro have the biggest battery of these bikes at 2880 watt hours and the mx4 is close behind and the surron lbx has the smallest. When it comes to range watt hours is the most important factor for estimating range. But there are many other factors affecting range:
-range differs greatly on many factors such as temperature, tire pressure, tire type, rider weight, condition of battery, and mostly:
-range diminishes greatly when riding off road
-range diminishes greatly when riding in hilly terrain
-range diminishes greatly when riding at high power levels and the higher power bikes at full throttle will be less efficient at full throttle than lower power bikes.
-the mx5 with its improved ipm motor, regen braking and gearbox (95% efficient) is the most efficient of all these bikes and should get the best range when compared to the above bikes at the same power levels and conditions. But:
- Range will not be much different on the MX5 than on the eride pro because they both have identical sized batteries with similar chemistry.
-The eride pro greatly cuts back power as the battery diminishes, this is a trick to increase the range by cutting power available to the user. The MX5 puts all available power through most of the battery drain.
- All of these bikes can double there range in "eco mode" or by just laying off the throttle.
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